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How to Claim Your Account with ANA-Maine & Nursing Network

Posted almost 6 years ago by Eileen Rodgers

Hope you are enjoying our new website now being hosted by Nursing Network. Nursing Network’s platform has given us a better opportunity to keep you apprised of the latest news and information from ANA-Maine.

If you are still seeing with each announcement that Your Account is Unclaimed, all you need to do is claim it so that you can access your member-only sections of ANA-Maine.  To do this, please click on the “Claim your Account” link in any email you receive from ANA-Maine supported by Nursing Network and set your password. Once you claim your account, you will not see the message again.  You will be listed as following.

ANA-Maine is very excited about our new website platform and we hope you will check it out soon and let us know what you think!  

 ANA-Maine Board of Directors