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An Important Message from ANA to our Members

Posted almost 3 years ago

Dear ANA Member,

Here we are, a year and a half into this pandemic. We thought the tunnel was getting shorter and the light at the end was getting brighter…only to see this virus continue to wreak havoc. Nurses tell us that it’s harder than ever right now. Many are frustrated and angry and for good reasons.
We know you are focused where you should be—on staying healthy, keeping your families safe and caring for your patients and community. But we want you to also know that the ANA Enterprise will keep focused on working for you so please let us know how we can continue to support your most pressing priorities.
  • Do you need more information as you talk to your colleagues, patients or community? If so, go to our Covid-19 resource website to see the most up-to-date information.
  • ANA is in direct contact with the White House, federal agencies and Congress to advocate for federal and state support that would address the overwhelming demand we see on health systems and health care professionals. We are working closely with our state associations to support their state-level advocacy. We know that nurses are exhausted, and we will continue to advocate for relief everywhere possible. 
  • For ANCC’s certified nurses, accredited, and credentialed organizations, we stand ready to answer your questions or support your need for flexibility. Reach out to one of our program directors if you have questions or concerns.
  • If you want to know how our Foundation is supporting nurses through the Coronavirus Response Fund for Nurses click here.
  • Please prioritize your own health and well-being! We have free emotional support programs provided by the Foundation’s Well-Being Initiative.


While the ANA Enterprise continues to focus our efforts for registered nurses and advanced practice registered nurses, we also carry on our work with public messaging/education to drive higher vaccination uptake. Working together with you we can increase consumer vaccination levels—supporting nurses who continue to bear the greatest burden on the frontline and moving us out of this pandemic! 


Thank you for your membership.


ANA Enterprise Team
    American Nurses Association
    American Nurses Credentialing Center
    American Nurses Foundation