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President's Report to the Board, October 2022

Posted almost 2 years ago

Supporting ANA-Maine virtually and remotely has been a test in leadership and building teamwork. Thank you to all of our Board, staff and valued members who have supported our programs, the website, virtual education programs, collaborations and networking during this past year.

First, we want to extend our appreciation to our immediate past president Robert Abel who led us through challenging times as an advocate for our board development and while the pandemic kept us from conducting our meetings in face-to-face discussion. With our gratitude, Bob will continue to provide advice to us about financial investments consistent with the ANA-Maine mission and fiscal policies.

My special thanks go out to the exceptional ANA-Maine staff experts that, by their excelling behind the scenes, are wizards at keeping our communications current. Jean Dyer, our executive director, has assembled a professional group of colleagues with Michelle Schweitzer and Eileen Rodgers who work seamlessly with our ANA-Maine board to provide timely information and executive leadership for our ongoing outreach, education, quarterly Journal, and membership services.

During the past year, since I became president, we have in place an enthusiastic new president-elect in Samantha Savage. She has fresh ideas that will inspire advanced projects and provide opportunities for members to become more engaged in our mission.

I was particularly honored in the past year to assist our Board colleague Deb Gillespie with a well-received educational presentation for video viewing titled, “The Many Roles of the Registered Nurse”. Our groups of R.N.s were individually videotaped in a series of short biographical narratives while talking about the care we have provided in special circumstances and clinical environments. This video was co-produced with the University of Southern Maine and ANA-Maine and is available for viewing by contacting Jean Dyer. Thank you to Deb for editing an anthology about The Many Roles of the Registered Nurse and for organizing the video educational program.   Read More: 2022 ANA-ME PRESIDENTS REPORT, 102022