Proposed MSBON Opioid Prescriptions Rules Changes
Posted over 1 year ago
Maine State Board of Nursing's (MSBON) Rules documents were sent out regarding amendments to controlled substances treatment. Please see the attached document for full details.
Chapter 12: BRIEF SUMMARY: The Board of Licensure in Medicine, State Board of Nursing, Board of Osteopathic Licensure and Board of Licensure of Podiatric Medicine propose amendments to a joint rule regarding the use of controlled substances for treatment of pain to make the rule consistent with recent changes to federal laws and regulations. Date, time and location of PUBLIC HEARING (if any): None planned. Requests to hold a public hearing by any interested person may be submitted in writing to the identified agency contact person.
Chapter 21: BRIEF SUMMARY OF RELEVANT INFORMATION CONSIDERED DURING DEVELOPMENT OF THE RULE (including up to 3 primary sources relied upon) [see §§8057-A(1)(E) & 8063-B] The proposed amendments to the current rule eliminate requirements that no longer exist in federal law and regulations. The information relied upon by the Boards in developing the proposed amendments to the rule was issued by the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) and the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) Diversion Control Division that: (1) On December 29, 2022, with the signing of the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2023 (the Act), Congress eliminated the "DATA-Waiver Program;” and (2) separately, the Act also introduced new training requirements for all prescribers. The requirements went into effect June 27, 2023. According to the DOJ and DEA: • A DATA-Waiver registration is no longer required to treat patients with buprenorphine for opioid use disorder. • Going forward, all prescriptions for buprenorphine only require a standard DEA registration number. The previously used DATA-Waiver registration numbers are no longer needed for any prescription. • There are no longer any limits or patient caps on the number of patients a prescriber may treat for opioid use disorder with buprenorphine. As a result, the existing rule will be amended to eliminate references to the DATA-Waiver program, patient limits, and outdated training requirements for prescribing opioid replacement therapy.