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America’s Most Trusted: Nurses Continue to Rank the Highest

Posted about 1 year ago

SILVER SPRING, MD  – The American Nurses Association (ANA), the premier organization representing the nation’s more than 5 million nurses, congratulates nurses for ranking #1 in Gallup Poll’s annual Most Honest and Ethical Professions Poll for the 22nd consecutive year. The American public rated nurses the highest among a host of professionals, including medical doctors, engineers, and veterinarians.

“This is an incredible accolade for our nation’s nurses,” said ANA President Jennifer Mensik Kennedy, PhD, MBA, RN, NEA-BC, FAAN. “Given the considerable hardship and obstacles the nurses we advocate for are facing, including unsafe work environments, severe burnout, and barriers to practice to name a few, this recognition is a true testament to the positive influence of nurses on their patients and their undeniable impact on the health care system. It’s a tremendous honor to receive this special validation from the very public these nurses serve. And it’s equally important for nurses to hear this acclaim as it raises the morale of our nurses – it couldn’t be more timely or appreciated. This is important.” READ MORE